Web Admins, Who Loves Ya Baby?

Win the Battle of the Borefest: Tips for Being a Better Editor

When it comes to content, editing can be half the battle. I think about this often. I am amidst a huge web redesign project right now that consists of a ton of content and images. Content and images that have accumulated over nearly a 20-year timeframe. But, no matter if you are building website, designing […]

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Get Real! Why is it so Hard to Be Your Own Brand?

One of my clients brought this topic up to me the other day. He mentioned a TED talk he had recently heard regarding the idea of authenticity vs. ubiquity. I haven’t heard the talk yet but it made me think about my own beliefs around this. I’ve always held authenticity in high regard as one […]

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Change or Die: Disruption is the Consequence of Innovation

I have been thinking a lot about the word of innovation. I used to hate this word. Admittedly, I still hate it but I kind of love it at the same time. The reason for my hatred was I felt this business buzzword that would soon be out of fashion. I waited more than a decade for that to […]

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Strategic Planning: Use it or Lose It: Is Your Current Plan TMI?

I’ve always thought of Marketing Plans and Strategic Plans as very different. One is for nonprofits and the other, well, they are for the rest of us. That is, until recently. When it comes to implementation you won’t here these words cross my lips, but when it comes to a plan you most certainly will…. […]

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Nonprofit Branding: Fundamental or Frivolous?

For-profit companies have embraced and continue to embrace branding for myriad reasons. Branding is, afterall, a story about your company that you are wanting your customers to experience, connect with, and understand. Companies don’t always have that “personal” connection, so branding fills that gap. An amazing thing about nonprofits is, so many personal stories already exist. […]

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Attaching Impact to Donor Dollars Can Boost Your Fundraising Efforts

I call this technique “annual reporting” your fundraising efforts. It’s no secret that nonprofits use annual reports to tell donors about the good that their donations are doing. But only recently have I noticed a trend toward attaching “impact” to even the smallest fundraising initiatives. The trend seems to work! Wondering how to apply this technique […]

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How to Determine What Content to Develop Yourself

Writers & marketing writers: there is a difference. Working with as many nonprofits as I do, I often notice clients looking for things that they can do themselves without the help of a marketing consultant. (By the way, this also extends to for-profit clients such as start-ups and small businesses too.) By and large, this is a perfectly fine […]

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For Conversion, Are Direct Mail and Email Symbiotic?

I am on the Board of Directors of a Houston nonprofit art organization and we recently hosted our big fundraiser of the year. Yes, this may seem ridiculous, but, even I as a Board member didn’t immediately send back in my response card and check. HOWEVER (big however), weeks later as soon as I received […]

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