Brand Momentum

I have been thinking a lot about the idea of momentum lately and its relevance from both a personal and professional perspective. What makes one brand more successful than others? How does a person or organization that maybe isn’t the best at what they do, become more successful than another? I used to think in the case of both examples, it came back to who is better at sales. But I don’t think about it that way anymore. I think success can often times point back to who is able to gain a little momentum, but more importantly who is the best at leveraging that momentum.

How Does Brand Momentum Occur?

Organizations that go with the status quo don’t generally get a whole lot of momentum. Those that disrupt, innovate, and evolve generally do. Hint: momentum usually starts with one good thing. Here are a few ways to gain momentum and then keep that momentum going.

Starting Brand Momentum

Try Something New

You have got to start somewhere. Doing the same thing in the same exact way is not going to get your momentum going. You have to start here first.

Never Stop Reexamining Your Model

Technology has forever changed and will forever require change of organizations. Be realistic about your organization’s ability and willingness to adapt to tech. Commit to change. Not for change sake, but for the advancement of your cause. And if tech isn’t for you, pivot to avoid getting pummeled by the orgs that do.

Engage Your Audience & Stakeholders For Feedback

One way to get people talking is literally to get people talking. Engaging people for opinions, ideas, and feedback is a way to start momentum.

Make Lemonade

Sometimes orgs undergo change that doesn’t come off quite as well as one would have hoped. Negative attention, believe it or not is a time where you need to start building positive momentum. As in, take that puppy out of reverse and put it in four-wheel drive kind of thing. Flip the script.

Continuing to Build Momentum

Pitch an Article Idea

After you’ve done something noteworthy or something not noteworthy in a noteworthy way, or even if you did something that involved someone or some organization that was note-worthy… reach out to the media about it. Being published is a great way to gain momentum.


Feeling like you look and sound old? A rebrand is an excellent way to gain more momentum. I always say if you are undergoing change (positive or negative), a rebrand can be a great way to continue to innovate and let that momentum take you further.

Do More of What Your Are Good At

When you get a positive response, and people like what you are doing expand your services or products around that one good thing. When I think of this idea, I think of retail. When a fashion brand gets momentum you start to see storefronts pop up everywhere where there might not have been any at all previously. Or for example you are an artist that has a successful showing of work; you should try to show that body of work again. Or you are a nonprofit and your recent blog post about XYZ has gone viral, is there a way that you can fold this into your programming?

Lastly Maximize Your Momentum

Use Email Marketing, Social Media, and Blogs

As soon as that momentum starts, send it out to your followers!

Use Big Wins as a Way to Grow

Using case studies is no new concept, but when you do something stellar, ride that wave until you can ride it no further and hope that another one comes around. There are plenty of ways to extend this ride, whether writing an article, writing a case study, or heck, write a book! Maybe you or someone that works for you is more of talker… consider holding a panel discussion or landing a speaking gig to tell people how you did it….then see where that takes you.




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